
Airborne is an API automation testing tool built on the Ruby RSpec framework

1. Introduction

Airborne is a lightweight, Ruby-based API testing tool that leverages RSpec to offer an intuitive and efficient way to test APIs. Hosted on GitHub under the project Airborne, this open-source tool is designed to simplify API testing by allowing developers to write clean, maintainable tests for their REST APIs. Unlike some other API testing tools that provide a graphical user interface, Airborne is strictly a code-based solution, making it an excellent choice for developers who prefer to work directly in code for their test suites.

The core philosophy behind Airborne is that API testing should be as streamlined and as simple as possible. By integrating with RSpec, a popular Ruby testing framework, Airborne allows for clean test cases that can be easily integrated into a continuous testing pipeline. Its minimalistic design and clear syntax make it a powerful tool for teams working on Ruby projects or teams looking to automate API tests in a programmatic manner.

This essay will explore the tool in detail, examining its features, benefits, drawbacks, usage examples, pricing, and target audience.

2. Features

Airborne offers a range of features specifically aimed at simplifying the API testing process, particularly for developers already familiar with Ruby and RSpec. Some of its key features include:

  • RSpec Integration: Airborne integrates natively with RSpec, allowing users to write API tests as RSpec specs. This makes it easy to integrate API testing with the existing test suite for Ruby applications. The DSL (Domain Specific Language) is intuitive and builds on the familiar RSpec syntax.
  • GET, POST, PUT, DELETE Requests: Airborne supports all common HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for interacting with APIs. This allows users to easily test various API endpoints, from simple data retrieval to complex operations that modify or delete data.
  • Response Validation: One of Airborne’s core strengths is its ability to validate API responses. It includes built-in methods for checking response status codes, headers, JSON bodies, and more. You can easily assert that the API returns the expected data structure and content.
  • Chaining Assertions: Airborne supports chaining assertions to perform multiple checks within a single test case. This makes it easy to check, for example, that the response status is 200, that the JSON response contains specific keys, and that the data matches certain conditions.
  • Custom Headers: When testing APIs, developers often need to send custom headers for things like authentication or content type. Airborne allows users to define and include these headers in their API requests.
  • Request Payloads: Users can easily specify JSON payloads for POST and PUT requests, making it simple to send complex data structures to the API and verify how the system handles them.
  • Built-in Matchers: Airborne offers a set of built-in matchers that simplify response verification. These matchers can be used to assert things like the presence of keys in JSON responses, the type of a returned value, and more. For example, you can quickly check if a response includes specific fields or if the values are of the expected data type.

3. Pros

  • Lightweight and Simple: Airborne is lightweight and easy to set up, requiring minimal configuration. Its focus on simplicity allows developers to get started quickly without needing to learn complex APIs or interfaces.
  • Clean Syntax: By leveraging RSpec’s DSL, Airborne enables developers to write clean, readable tests that closely resemble natural language. This makes tests easy to understand and maintain, even for teams with limited experience in API testing.
  • Seamless Integration with Ruby Projects: Since it’s based on Ruby and RSpec, Airborne fits perfectly into the test ecosystem of any Ruby-based project. This tight integration allows for API tests to be run alongside unit tests and other test types, ensuring comprehensive test coverage.
  • Open Source and Extensible: As an open-source tool, Airborne is freely available and highly extensible. Developers can customize or extend its functionality as needed to meet specific project requirements. The tool also benefits from community contributions, with issues and improvements being actively managed on GitHub.
  • Efficient for Testing JSON APIs: Airborne’s focus on testing JSON-based APIs makes it an ideal solution for modern web applications that use JSON as the primary format for data exchange between client and server.

4. Cons

  • Ruby Dependency: While Airborne is excellent for Ruby developers, it might not be the best choice for teams working in other programming languages. The tool is tightly coupled with Ruby, which limits its use to projects that are already using or are willing to adopt Ruby in their testing framework.
  • No GUI: Airborne is entirely code-based, which might be a downside for teams looking for a more user-friendly interface. Testers who prefer working with graphical tools like Postman may find Airborne less accessible, as it requires writing test cases in code.
  • Limited Protocol Support: Airborne is designed specifically for testing RESTful APIs over HTTP. It doesn’t support other types of API protocols like WebSockets, gRPC, or GraphQL out of the box, which limits its use in more complex API ecosystems.
  • Relatively Small Community: While Airborne has a dedicated user base, its community is relatively small compared to more established tools like Postman or Swagger. This can make finding tutorials, plugins, or community support more challenging.
  • No Built-in Load Testing: Airborne focuses on functional testing and doesn’t include load testing or performance testing capabilities. For teams looking to simulate high traffic on their APIs, additional tools would be required.

Using Airborne is straightforward for anyone familiar with RSpec and Ruby. Here is a basic example of how to use Airborne to test an API endpoint:

More Complex Tests: You can also test POST or PUT requests by passing JSON payloads:

describe 'Create User' do
  it 'creates a new user' do
    post '/api/users', { name: 'Jane Doe', email: '' }
    expect_json('name', 'Jane Doe')

Writing a Test: Here’s an example test for a GET request to a /users API endpoint:

require 'airborne'

describe 'Users API' do
  it 'returns a list of users' do
    get '/api/users'
    expect_json_types('users.*', id: :int, name: :string)
    expect_json('users.0', name: 'John Doe')

In this example, the test checks if the API returns a 200 status, verifies the data types of the users JSON array, and ensures that the first user’s name is "John Doe".

Installation: First, install Airborne by adding it to your Gemfile:

gem 'airborne'

Then run bundle install to install the dependency.

Example Links:

6. Pricing

As an open-source project, Airborne is completely free to use. It is available under the MIT License, allowing users to freely modify, distribute, and use the software in any project, including commercial applications. The open-source nature of Airborne makes it accessible for developers of all skill levels, and since it runs on Ruby, there are no additional costs associated with licensing or premium features.

Airborne is recommended for several different types of teams and projects:

  • Ruby Developers: If your project is already using Ruby and RSpec for unit and integration testing, Airborne will fit perfectly into your existing workflow. Its seamless integration with RSpec makes it a natural choice for Ruby-based projects.
  • Developers Comfortable with Code: Teams that prefer working with code rather than graphical interfaces will appreciate Airborne’s simplicity and power. It allows for full control over test cases without the distractions of a GUI.
  • Small to Medium-Sized Projects: For small to medium-sized projects that rely on RESTful APIs, Airborne provides a lightweight, no-cost solution that is easy to set up and use. It’s perfect for teams looking to automate API testing without a lot of overhead.
  • Open Source Enthusiasts: Airborne is a good fit for developers who prefer using open-source tools. Its extensibility allows for customization, making it ideal for teams that want to tailor their API testing framework to their specific needs.

In conclusion, Airborne is an excellent, lightweight tool for testing REST APIs in Ruby environments. Its simple integration with RSpec, clean syntax, and powerful assertion capabilities make it an attractive option for Ruby developers. While it has limitations regarding GUI support and broader protocol testing, its ease of use and open-source nature make it a valuable tool for teams focused on functional API testing.

About the author
Irfan Ahmad

Irfan Ahmad

Software Quality Leader | Helping software teams to deliver with speed, security and scale.

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