Apache Benchmark

A command-line tool for measuring the performance of HTTP web servers, useful for testing the performance of your Apache installations.
Apache Benchmark


Apache Benchmark, commonly referred to as ab, is a command-line tool developed by the Apache Software Foundation that enables users to perform load testing and measure the performance of HTTP web servers. It is part of the Apache HTTP server package, but it can be used to test any HTTP-based server, making it versatile across different web technologies. While ab doesn’t have all the sophisticated features of more modern tools, its simplicity and effectiveness make it a popular choice for quick, lightweight performance testing.

This review explores Apache Benchmark in detail, covering its features, pros and cons, usage with examples, pricing, and recommendations for different types of users.


Apache Benchmark is a minimalist yet efficient tool for conducting load and performance tests. Despite its simplicity, it offers several features that can help developers and testers gather valuable insights into server performance:

1. Simple Command-Line Interface

One of the core strengths of ab is its straightforward command-line interface. Users can easily initiate a load test using simple terminal commands, making ab accessible for both beginner and experienced developers. The lack of complexity in the user interface means that ab can be used with minimal setup.

2. Concurrent User Simulation

ab allows users to simulate multiple concurrent requests to a web server. This feature helps developers assess how their web applications handle a heavy load of concurrent users, offering insights into potential scalability issues. Users can define the number of requests to be made and the number of concurrent users simulating real-world traffic.

3. Performance Metrics

ab provides a range of performance metrics, including:

  • Requests per second (RPS): Measures the server's throughput in handling requests.
  • Time per request: The average time taken to process a single request.
  • Total time taken for tests: The overall time taken to complete all requests.
  • Transfer rate: Measures the rate of data transfer during the test.
  • Connection times: Provides details on the min, mean, median, and maximum connection times.

4. HTTP Method Testing

Apache Benchmark supports various HTTP methods, such as GET and POST, allowing users to test dynamic endpoints in addition to simple static pages. This is useful for testing APIs and web applications where POST requests are used for data submission.

5. SSL/TLS Support

With the growing importance of secure web applications, ab also offers the ability to test HTTPS-enabled sites. This ensures that users can test the performance of web servers over secure connections, which is essential for modern web applications that prioritize security.

6. Customization via Parameters

ab allows for parameterized testing, where users can customize the requests by specifying headers, request bodies, or cookie data. This is useful for testing different scenarios or varying the type of load being sent to the server.

7. Detailed Output

At the end of a test, Apache Benchmark generates a detailed summary report that includes key performance metrics like response times, failure rates, and request distribution. This report helps developers identify the root cause of performance bottlenecks.

8. Support for High-Volume Requests

While ab is a simple tool, it can handle high-volume requests with thousands of users simulated at once. This capability allows teams to stress test web servers to their limits, providing insights into how the system behaves under extreme conditions.


There are several advantages to using Apache Benchmark for load and performance testing:

1. Lightweight and Fast

Apache Benchmark is a lightweight tool that doesn’t require any installation beyond the Apache HTTP server package, making it an easy-to-use option for quick testing. It runs directly from the command line and provides immediate feedback on server performance.

2. Minimal Setup

Since ab is a command-line tool, there is no need for extensive configuration or setup. This allows users to quickly start performance testing without worrying about setting up environments or complex configurations.

3. Real-Time Performance Data

ab provides real-time performance data as the test progresses. This real-time feedback is useful for understanding how the server responds under different load conditions and adjusting tests accordingly.

4. No GUI Required

As a terminal-based tool, ab doesn’t require a graphical user interface (GUI), which makes it ideal for developers who are comfortable using the command line. It also makes ab suitable for running in environments where a GUI is not available, such as servers or CI/CD pipelines.

5. Cross-Platform Availability

Apache Benchmark is cross-platform and works on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows (via Windows Subsystem for Linux or third-party tools). This makes it versatile for different development environments.

6. Free and Open Source

Being part of the Apache HTTP server project, Apache Benchmark is open-source and free to use. There are no licensing fees or costs associated with using ab, making it an excellent choice for budget-conscious teams.

7. Great for Basic Testing

For developers who need to run basic load tests or performance checks quickly, ab is one of the best tools available. Its simplicity and speed make it ideal for running tests during early stages of development or as part of a lightweight CI/CD pipeline.


Despite its usefulness, Apache Benchmark has several limitations:

1. Limited to HTTP/HTTPS

ab is primarily designed to test HTTP/HTTPS endpoints, so it lacks support for other protocols, such as WebSocket, gRPC, or FTP. This limits its versatility compared to more modern performance testing tools like K6, JMeter, or Gatling, which support multiple protocols.

2. Lack of Advanced Features

ab lacks many of the advanced features found in modern load testing tools, such as:

  • Complex test scenarios with multiple request flows.
  • Dynamic data handling (e.g., extracting and reusing data from responses).
  • User session simulation.
  • Integration with external databases or real-time dashboards for monitoring.

This makes it unsuitable for comprehensive performance testing of large-scale applications.

3. Not Ideal for Long-Term Testing

While ab can handle short and simple load tests, it is not designed for long-duration or complex load testing scenarios. Tools like JMeter or Locust are better suited for tests that need to run for hours or need more detailed analysis of performance degradation over time.

4. No Detailed Error Reporting

ab’s reporting on errors is limited, providing only basic information on failed requests. It lacks the ability to deeply inspect why a particular request failed or offer insights into specific application issues.

5. No Built-In Visualization

Unlike modern tools that come with built-in dashboards or allow easy integration with visualization tools like Grafana, ab lacks built-in graphing or visualization capabilities. Users must manually parse the output and create their own graphs for in-depth analysis.

6. No Support for Modern Test Environments

ab does not support distributed load testing or cloud-based load generation, which limits its usefulness for large-scale testing on cloud-hosted applications that require load generation from multiple geographical regions.

Usage with One Example and Sample Code

To demonstrate how Apache Benchmark works, here’s an example of using ab to test a website’s performance under load.

Example: Basic Load Test with Apache Benchmark

Let’s say we want to test the performance of a website (e.g., https://example.com). We want to simulate 1000 requests with 100 concurrent users.

Step 1: Install Apache Benchmark

For most Linux distributions, Apache Benchmark comes pre-installed with the Apache HTTP server. You can check if it’s installed by running:

ab -V

If it’s not installed, you can install Apache HTTP server, which includes ab:

sudo apt-get install apache2-utils   # For Debian/Ubuntu-based systems

For macOS, you can install it using Homebrew:

brew install httpd

Step 2: Run the Test

Run the following command to simulate 1000 requests with 100 concurrent users:

ab -n 1000 -c 100 https://example.com/
  • -n 1000: Specifies the total number of requests to perform.
  • -c 100: Specifies the number of multiple requests to perform concurrently.
  • https://example.com/: The target URL to be tested.

Sample Output

The test will generate an output report that looks like this:

Concurrency Level:      100
Time taken for tests:   8.123 seconds
Complete requests:      1000
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      214000 bytes
HTML transferred:       114000 bytes
Requests per second:    123.14 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       812.30 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       8.12 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          25.42 [Kbytes/sec] received

This report shows key metrics like the number of requests per second, time per request, and the transfer rate.

For more detailed usage, refer to the official Apache Benchmark documentation.


Apache Benchmark is a completely free and open-source tool. Since it is part of the Apache HTTP server package, there are no costs associated with using the tool. It’s ideal for small teams, individual developers, or organizations that are looking for

About the author
Irfan Ahmad

Irfan Ahmad

Software Quality Leader | Helping software teams to deliver with speed, security and scale.

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