
Apiary is an API design and testing tool that simplifies designing, documenting, and testing APIs.


Apiary is a platform designed for API design, documentation, and testing, providing a comprehensive suite of tools for developers building and maintaining APIs. Acquired by Oracle, Apiary aims to simplify API development by offering a collaborative environment where developers, designers, and testers can work together to create consistent, well-documented APIs. At the heart of Apiary is the concept of API Blueprint, a powerful API description language that allows teams to define API specifications and test interactions early in the development process, even before any code is written.

In an era where APIs are becoming central to microservices, mobile applications, and integrations, Apiary fills a critical gap by ensuring that the API's design, documentation, and testing are seamless and consistent. This essay dives deep into Apiary's features, its benefits, drawbacks, usage, pricing, and who it is most suited for.


Apiary is packed with features that cover every stage of the API lifecycle, from design and prototyping to documentation, testing, and monitoring. Below are the key features that make Apiary a strong contender in the API management and testing space:

  • API Blueprint: Apiary’s core strength lies in API Blueprint, a simple and readable description language. It allows teams to collaboratively define their APIs, outlining endpoints, methods, headers, query parameters, and more in a human-readable format. This blueprint serves as the foundation for documentation and testing.
  • Mock Server: One of the most notable features of Apiary is its ability to create mock servers from API Blueprint definitions. This allows developers and testers to simulate API interactions before any real code is written, enabling front-end teams to develop against a mock API while back-end development is still in progress.
  • API Documentation: Apiary auto-generates API documentation from the API Blueprint, ensuring that documentation is always up to date with the latest API specification. The documentation is interactive, allowing users to try out API endpoints directly from the docs, improving ease of use and collaboration between internal teams and external consumers.
  • Testing and Validation: Apiary includes built-in testing features, allowing users to validate their API definitions against the actual implementation. This ensures that the API behaves as defined in the blueprint, reducing the risk of discrepancies between documentation and the actual service.
  • Version Control: Like source code, APIs evolve over time. Apiary provides version control features for API Blueprints, allowing teams to track changes to the API specification and manage different versions of the API.
  • Collaborative Environment: Apiary supports collaboration across teams, enabling designers, developers, and stakeholders to contribute to the API design process. This fosters a shared understanding of the API’s functionality and expected behavior.
  • API Governance: Apiary offers governance features that allow teams to enforce certain rules and standards across APIs, ensuring consistency and preventing issues related to poor API design. These governance rules can be customized according to the organization's needs.
  • Oracle Integration: After being acquired by Oracle, Apiary has deep integration with Oracle’s cloud services, offering enterprise users a seamless API management experience within the Oracle ecosystem.


  • Rapid Prototyping: Apiary allows teams to define and test APIs before any code is written. The ability to create mock servers and validate API designs early in the development process can save a significant amount of time and reduce the risk of integration issues later.
  • Collaboration and Design: Apiary’s collaborative design environment fosters teamwork between developers, designers, and stakeholders. Its human-readable API Blueprint makes it easy for all team members to contribute to the design, regardless of technical expertise.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Automatically generated, interactive API documentation ensures that internal teams and external developers have a clear, up-to-date reference to work from. This reduces confusion and helps developers integrate more easily with the API.
  • Testing Without Coding: The mock server feature allows front-end developers and testers to start working with the API early, even before the back-end is built. This decouples development, speeding up the overall process.
  • Governance and Standards: For larger organizations with multiple APIs, Apiary’s governance features ensure that teams follow best practices and maintain consistency across different APIs, reducing long-term technical debt.
  • Easy to Learn: API Blueprint is a straightforward, human-readable language that can be easily picked up by non-technical team members. It facilitates better communication and understanding across teams.
  • Version Control: Apiary's version control capabilities make it easier to manage evolving APIs, providing a clear history of changes and the ability to manage different versions of an API simultaneously.


  • Limited Testing Flexibility: While Apiary excels at design and mock testing, its testing capabilities may feel limited for users looking for advanced testing features such as load testing, security testing, or automated integration tests. Apiary’s primary focus is on design and documentation, so more complex testing scenarios might require additional tools.
  • Dependency on API Blueprint: Apiary’s reliance on API Blueprint means that teams need to adopt this description language to take full advantage of its features. While API Blueprint is powerful, it may not suit teams that prefer other description languages like OpenAPI/Swagger.
  • Enterprise Pricing: Apiary’s enterprise features, especially post-Oracle acquisition, can be expensive for smaller organizations. While it offers a free version, the cost for enterprise-grade functionality like governance and deeper integrations can be prohibitive.
  • Oracle-Centric: Apiary’s close integration with Oracle services may not appeal to organizations that use other cloud platforms, such as AWS or Google Cloud. While it can still be used independently, the deeper integration features are more geared towards Oracle users.
  • Limited Support for Other Protocols: Apiary is primarily designed for RESTful APIs and HTTP-based services. If your organization works with other protocols, such as WebSockets or gRPC, Apiary may not be the best fit for your needs.

Here’s an example of how Apiary can be used in a typical API development process:

  1. API Design: The development team uses API Blueprint to define the API’s endpoints, methods, headers, and responses. This blueprint serves as the foundation for the rest of the development process.
  2. Mock Server for Testing: The mock server is set up using the API Blueprint, allowing front-end developers and testers to interact with the API while the back-end is being developed. This ensures that the front-end is not blocked by back-end development delays.
  3. Collaborative Review: The API design is reviewed and refined by all team members in Apiary’s collaborative environment. Stakeholders can provide feedback, and developers can make real-time changes to the API Blueprint.
  4. Documentation Generation: Apiary automatically generates API documentation from the blueprint, providing a clear reference for internal teams and external developers.
  5. Testing and Validation: Once the API is implemented, Apiary’s testing tools validate that the actual API conforms to the design specified in the blueprint. Any discrepancies are identified and corrected.



Apiary offers both free and enterprise versions, allowing organizations to choose the level of functionality they need:

  • Free Tier: Apiary’s free tier offers basic features, including API design, mock servers, and interactive documentation. It’s suitable for small teams or developers working on personal projects.
  • Enterprise Tier: The enterprise version includes advanced features such as API governance, Oracle Cloud integration, and enhanced collaboration tools. Pricing for the enterprise version is typically customized based on the size of the organization and the level of usage.

Oracle does not publish specific pricing for Apiary’s enterprise tier, but it is generally on the higher end, reflecting the integration with Oracle Cloud services and governance features.

Apiary is an excellent tool for a variety of teams and organizations, but it is particularly well-suited for:

  • API Design Teams: Teams that prioritize API design, collaboration, and consistency will benefit greatly from Apiary’s API Blueprint and its collaborative design features.
  • Organizations with Complex API Ecosystems: Large organizations managing multiple APIs can take advantage of Apiary’s governance and version control features to ensure consistency and enforce best practices across all APIs.
  • Agile Development Teams: Teams following Agile methodologies, where front-end and back-end developers need to work in parallel, will appreciate Apiary’s mock server capabilities, which allow front-end teams to develop without waiting for back-end APIs to be implemented.
  • Oracle Cloud Users: For organizations already using Oracle Cloud, Apiary is a natural fit, offering deep integration and a unified API management solution within the Oracle ecosystem.
  • Small Teams and Startups: Apiary’s free tier is perfect for small teams and startups looking to quickly prototype and document their APIs without a significant investment in infrastructure.

In conclusion, Apiary is a powerful tool for API design, documentation, and testing, with a particular focus on collaboration and governance. While it may not offer the most advanced testing capabilities, its strengths in rapid prototyping, documentation, and team collaboration make it a valuable tool for organizations building APIs, particularly those using Oracle’s cloud ecosystem.

About the author
Irfan Ahmad

Irfan Ahmad

Software Quality Leader | Helping software teams to deliver with speed, security and scale.

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