
An open-source automated testing librasry in Ruby for Android and iOS native and hybrid applications.


Calabash is an open-source mobile automation tool that allows developers to write and execute automated UI acceptance tests for native mobile applications. It supports both Android and iOS and is built around the Cucumber framework, which allows tests to be written in a human-readable format. This approach simplifies the testing process by allowing developers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders to understand the test cases clearly.

This review will provide a comprehensive look at the Calabash tool, covering its features, pros, cons, usage with sample code, pricing, and recommendations for various types of users.


Calabash offers a wide range of features that make it a powerful tool for mobile application testing. Here are some of the most notable features:

1. Cross-Platform Support (Android and iOS)

Calabash is designed to support both Android and iOS mobile applications. With the same test scripts, you can test apps across different platforms, reducing the effort required to maintain separate test suites for each operating system.

2. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Cucumber

Calabash uses the Cucumber framework, which supports Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). This means that test cases are written in a human-readable language, known as Gherkin, that stakeholders across the development team, including non-technical members, can easily understand. Test scenarios are expressed in terms of "Given-When-Then" syntax, which maps to specific actions in the mobile app.

Example of a Gherkin syntax for a login feature:

Feature: Login to the app
  Scenario: Successful login with valid credentials
    Given I am on the login screen
    When I enter valid credentials
    Then I should see the home screen

3. Native App Support

Calabash supports native mobile apps, giving it the ability to interact with native UI elements. It provides direct access to native functionality, such as buttons, forms, and navigation bars, allowing for a more accurate simulation of user interactions.

4. Customizable Test Scenarios

Calabash provides flexibility in defining custom steps and actions for test scenarios. Testers and developers can easily write custom Cucumber steps using Ruby, enabling advanced interactions with the app under test.

5. Device Interaction

Calabash provides the ability to run tests on real devices as well as emulators and simulators. This allows for comprehensive testing across different environments, ensuring that apps perform consistently on various devices with different screen sizes, OS versions, and hardware configurations.

6. Touch Gestures and UI Interactions

The tool allows testers to simulate touch events like tapping, swiping, and pinch-zooming, which are crucial for testing modern mobile apps with rich user interfaces. This makes it possible to automate complex UI interactions that would be time-consuming to test manually.

7. Integration with CI/CD Pipelines

Calabash integrates seamlessly with Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines, allowing automated tests to be triggered with each build or deployment. This helps teams catch bugs early and ensures that new code does not break existing functionality.

8. Test on Real Devices and Cloud Platforms

Calabash can be integrated with mobile device cloud services like AWS Device Farm, Sauce Labs, and BrowserStack, allowing developers and testers to run automated tests on real devices in the cloud. This helps in verifying app behavior on a wide variety of devices without the need to maintain a physical device lab.


Calabash offers several advantages that make it a popular choice for mobile testing:

1. Readable Tests with Gherkin Syntax

One of Calabash's key advantages is its use of the Gherkin syntax, which makes tests readable and understandable by all stakeholders, including non-technical team members. This fosters better collaboration between development, testing, and business teams.

2. Cross-Platform Testing

Calabash supports both Android and iOS, allowing developers to write a single set of tests that can be executed across different platforms. This significantly reduces the effort needed to maintain separate test suites for different operating systems.

3. Open-Source and Community-Driven

As an open-source tool, Calabash is free to use, making it a cost-effective option for teams looking for robust mobile testing automation. Additionally, it has a supportive community, and there are plenty of resources, forums, and tutorials available online.

4. Comprehensive Device Interaction

Calabash provides full control over device interactions, allowing testers to simulate real user behavior, such as performing gestures (taps, swipes), entering data, and verifying UI elements. This makes it highly suitable for testing apps with complex UI and dynamic content.

5. Integration with Ruby and Cucumber

For teams already using Ruby or Cucumber for web testing, Calabash fits naturally into their workflow. The tests are written in Ruby and are compatible with Cucumber, making it easier for teams with existing Cucumber test suites to extend testing to mobile applications.

6. Support for Multiple Devices

Calabash supports testing on real devices, emulators, and simulators. This versatility helps teams ensure that their apps work across a wide range of devices without having to invest in costly physical device labs.


While Calabash is a powerful tool, it does have a few limitations that users should be aware of:

1. Discontinued Active Development

The biggest drawback of Calabash is that its active development has been discontinued as of 2017. While the tool can still be used, and there are community-driven updates and forks, official support is no longer available. Teams looking for long-term solutions may prefer alternatives like Appium or Detox, which are actively maintained.

2. Limited to Native Apps

Calabash primarily supports native mobile apps. If your application is hybrid (a combination of native and web), Calabash may struggle to handle web views or non-native elements effectively. Other tools, like Appium, may offer better support for hybrid apps.

3. Ruby Dependency

Calabash requires knowledge of Ruby for writing custom steps and scripts. While Ruby is a powerful language, it may not be familiar to teams that primarily use other programming languages like JavaScript or Python.

4. Performance on Real Devices

Running tests on real devices can sometimes be slow and unreliable. The setup for real device testing with Calabash, especially in cloud environments, can be more complex compared to other tools that offer out-of-the-box support for cloud-based device testing.

5. Learning Curve

For teams that are not familiar with Ruby or the BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) approach, there can be a learning curve associated with setting up and writing tests in Calabash. Testers may need to invest time in learning Cucumber and Ruby before they can fully leverage the tool.

Usage with One Example and Sample Code

Let’s walk through a simple example of how to use Calabash for automating the login functionality of a mobile app.

Step 1: Install Calabash

Before you start, ensure that Ruby is installed on your system. Then, install the Calabash gem:

gem install calabash-android
gem install calabash-ios

Step 2: Set Up Your Mobile App for Testing

To test an Android app:

  • Prepare your app’s APK file by enabling debugging in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
  • For iOS, ensure the app is built with the Calabash framework integrated.

Step 3: Write a Test Scenario

Create a features folder in your project directory. Inside the features folder, create a file called login.feature with the following content:

Feature: Login functionality

  Scenario: Successful login with valid credentials
    Given I am on the login screen
    When I enter "" into the "username" field
    And I enter "password123" into the "password" field
    And I press the "login" button
    Then I should see the "Welcome" message

Step 4: Write Step Definitions

Next, create a step_definitions folder inside features and create a file called login_steps.rb with the following Ruby code:

Given(/^I am on the login screen$/) do

When(/^I enter "(.*?)" into the "(.*?)" field$/) do |text, field|
  enter_text("android.widget.EditText marked:'#{field}'", text)

And(/^I press the "(.*?)" button$/) do |button|
  touch("button marked:'#{button}'")

Then(/^I should see the "(.*?)" message$/) do |message|

Step 5: Run the Test

To run the test on an Android emulator, use the following command:

calabash-android run path/to/your/app.apk

For iOS, use:

calabash-ios console

For more examples and tutorials, visit:



Calabash is an open-source tool, which means it is entirely free to use. There are no licensing fees or hidden costs associated with using the tool. However, there may be costs associated with cloud-based device testing services (such as AWS Device Farm or Sauce Labs), which can be integrated with Calabash for testing on real devices. Additionally, teams may incur expenses related to setting up and maintaining a test infrastructure for running automated tests.

Calabash is well-suited for a variety of users, including:

1. Mobile App Developers and QA Teams

Calabash is ideal for developers and QA engineers who need to automate the testing of native Android and iOS applications. Its BDD approach and Gherkin syntax make it accessible to both technical and non-technical stakeholders, fostering collaboration across teams.

2. Teams Using Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)

Calabash is a natural fit for teams that follow the Behavior-Driven Development approach. The Gherkin syntax makes it easy to write readable and collaborative test cases, ensuring that everyone in the team can contribute to test automation.

3. Small to Medium-Sized Teams with Native Apps

For teams that primarily develop native apps and are looking for a free, open-source tool, Calabash is a strong option. Its ability to test both Android and iOS apps with the same test suite reduces the maintenance burden and ensures cross-platform consistency.

4. Teams Already Familiar with Cucumber

Calabash integrates seamlessly with Cucumber, making it an excellent choice for teams already familiar with Cucumber for web testing. The skills required to write Calabash tests are easily transferable from Cucumber, making it easier to adopt.

5. Cost-Conscious Teams

As an open-source tool, Calabash is free to use, making it a good option for teams with limited budgets who need a powerful tool without the costs associated with commercial software.


Calabash remains a solid option for automating the testing of native mobile applications, despite its discontinued active development. With its ability to handle Android and iOS apps using the same test cases and its BDD approach that fosters collaboration, Calabash is a powerful tool for mobile app developers and testers. However, its Ruby dependency and limited support for hybrid apps may prompt some teams to explore more actively maintained alternatives like Appium. Nevertheless, for those working within its supported ecosystem, Calabash continues to provide value through its open-source capabilities.

About the author
Irfan Ahmad

Irfan Ahmad

Software Quality Leader | Helping software teams to deliver with speed, security and scale.

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