
Frisby Tool for API Testing: A Comprehensive Review


Frisby is an open-source API testing framework designed to simplify the process of testing RESTful APIs. Built on top of Node.js and using the Jasmine testing framework, Frisby provides a simple, flexible way to write and execute tests for HTTP APIs. It’s widely adopted by developers and testers who want a lightweight, easy-to-use tool for ensuring API functionality. Frisby allows users to validate JSON responses, verify HTTP status codes, and assert the presence of various data points in the API responses.

In this review, we will explore the features, pros and cons, usage examples, pricing, and the types of teams and projects that would benefit most from using Frisby.


Frisby offers a range of features that make it an excellent choice for API testing. Designed with simplicity and effectiveness in mind, it allows users to write readable and maintainable test cases with minimal effort.

Lightweight and Built on Node.js

Frisby is a lightweight framework that runs on Node.js, making it easy to set up and integrate into existing development workflows. Node.js is a popular JavaScript runtime, and Frisby leverages it to create fast and efficient API tests. This makes Frisby an ideal solution for teams already working with JavaScript or Node.js environments.

Built-In Support for JSON

Frisby is designed specifically to test RESTful APIs, which commonly use JSON for data exchange. With built-in support for JSON, Frisby allows users to quickly and easily validate JSON responses from APIs. It can check that the response body contains specific fields, values, and structures, making it easier to confirm that APIs are functioning as expected.

Jasmine Testing Framework Integration

Frisby is built on the Jasmine framework, which is a popular behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for JavaScript testing. Jasmine allows Frisby tests to follow a clean, readable structure, promoting better organization and easier maintenance. The integration with Jasmine means that Frisby inherits a number of useful testing features, such as support for asynchronous tests, spies, and test suites.

Easy Setup and Installation

Getting started with Frisby is relatively simple. It can be installed via npm (Node Package Manager) and integrated into a project quickly. With minimal setup, teams can start writing API tests without needing to configure a complex testing environment.

Validation of HTTP Status Codes and Responses

Frisby provides built-in functionality for validating HTTP status codes. This feature ensures that APIs return the correct status codes (e.g., 200 OK, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error) in response to different requests. In addition, Frisby allows users to verify the content of API responses, such as headers and the presence of specific fields in JSON responses.

Custom Test Assertions

Frisby provides the flexibility to write custom assertions in addition to its predefined validation methods. Users can define specific logic to validate API responses, which can be particularly useful when testing for complex API behavior or custom data validation rules.

Support for Asynchronous Testing

As APIs typically involve network calls and may take time to respond, Frisby supports asynchronous tests. This allows developers to test API endpoints that may not return responses immediately or have longer response times. Frisby handles these asynchronous operations, ensuring that the tests are not prematurely terminated while waiting for responses.

Automated Test Execution

Frisby integrates seamlessly with various Continuous Integration (CI) tools, enabling automated test execution during development and deployment processes. By integrating Frisby tests into CI/CD pipelines, teams can ensure that API functionality is validated with every build or deployment.


Frisby provides several advantages that make it an attractive option for API testing, especially for teams working with JavaScript and Node.js.

Simple and Readable Syntax

Frisby’s test syntax is designed to be intuitive and easy to read. Even testers with minimal programming experience can write and understand tests, thanks to the straightforward structure provided by the Jasmine framework. This readability also promotes collaboration between developers, testers, and other stakeholders.

Fast and Lightweight

Because Frisby is built on Node.js, it’s lightweight and fast, making it an ideal choice for teams that want a quick and simple API testing tool. Frisby’s performance ensures that tests can be executed efficiently, which is particularly important in continuous testing environments where tests need to run frequently.

Flexible Assertions

Frisby offers built-in methods to validate HTTP status codes, response headers, and JSON data. However, it also allows for the creation of custom assertions, giving users the flexibility to define their own validation logic. This is useful when testing APIs with more complex business rules or when responses vary based on input parameters.

Open Source and Community Support

Frisby is an open-source project, meaning it’s free to use and benefits from community contributions. Users can access a wealth of resources, including documentation, tutorials, and support from other developers in the community. Frisby’s open-source nature allows users to customize and extend its functionality as needed.

Seamless Integration with Existing Tools

Frisby’s compatibility with the Node.js ecosystem means that it integrates well with other popular development and testing tools. Whether you’re using CI tools like Jenkins or GitLab, or other JavaScript frameworks, Frisby can be easily incorporated into your existing workflow.


Despite its many strengths, Frisby does have a few limitations that should be considered.

Limited to RESTful API Testing

Frisby is focused exclusively on testing RESTful APIs and JSON-based responses. If your project involves other types of APIs, such as SOAP or GraphQL, Frisby may not be the most suitable tool. Teams working with non-REST APIs may need to look for alternative testing frameworks that support a broader range of protocols.

Basic Reporting

While Frisby provides essential test results and feedback through Jasmine, its reporting capabilities are somewhat limited compared to more advanced API testing tools like Postman or ReadyAPI. Users looking for detailed or customizable reports may need to integrate Frisby with additional reporting tools or platforms.

Not Ideal for Complex API Workflows

Frisby is a simple tool designed for basic API validation and testing. However, for teams that need to test complex workflows involving multiple API calls, data dependencies, or dynamic environments, Frisby may lack the sophistication required. Tools like Postman or JMeter may offer more robust features for handling intricate API testing scenarios.


Frisby is built on Node.js, which means that users must be familiar with JavaScript to get the most out of the tool. Teams that do not use JavaScript in their projects may face a learning curve when adopting Frisby for API testing.

Let’s look at a simple example of how to use Frisby to test a RESTful API endpoint.

Example: Testing a REST API with Frisby

In this example, we will test a sample REST API that returns a list of users. The API endpoint is:

Step 1: Install Frisby

First, you need to install Frisby using npm:

npm install frisby --save-dev

Step 2: Write a Test

Next, create a test script (e.g., apiTest.spec.js) that uses Frisby to test the API response. Here’s an example:

const frisby = require('frisby');

it('should return a list of users', function () {
  return frisby
    .expect('status', 200)
    .expect('jsonTypes', '*', {
      id: frisby.Joi.number(),
      name: frisby.Joi.string(),
      email: frisby.Joi.string().email(),

This test sends a GET request to the /users endpoint and checks that the response has a status code of 200 (OK). It also verifies that each user in the response has an id (number), name (string), and email (valid email format).

Step 3: Run the Test

To run the test, simply execute the following command:

npm test

Frisby will run the test and provide feedback on whether the API response meets the specified expectations.

For more detailed usage examples and API documentation, visit the Frisby GitHub Repository.


Frisby is a free and open-source tool, licensed under the MIT License. This means that users can download, use, and modify the tool at no cost. There are no premium versions, subscription fees, or licensing costs associated with Frisby, making it an attractive option for teams looking for a budget-friendly API testing solution.

The only costs you might incur are those related to infrastructure, such as setting up a CI/CD pipeline or using third-party integrations, but these are unrelated to Frisby itself.

Frisby is best suited for specific use cases and teams:

JavaScript and Node.js Development Teams

Because Frisby is built on Node.js, it is an ideal API testing tool for development teams that already work in a JavaScript or Node.js environment. It fits seamlessly into the development workflow and leverages JavaScript’s capabilities to create fast and efficient tests.

Small to Medium-Sized Teams

Frisby’s simplicity and ease of use make it a good choice for small to medium-sized development and QA teams. Its lightweight nature ensures that it can be integrated into existing testing environments without a steep learning curve, allowing teams to

About the author
Irfan Ahmad

Irfan Ahmad

Software Quality Leader | Helping software teams to deliver with speed, security and scale.

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