Ultimate Website Launch Checklist

The Ultimate Website Launch Checklist covering performance, SEO, security, design, and accessibility
Ultimate Website Launch Checklist

Launching a website is an exciting milestone, but it's also a complex process that requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. To help you ensure your website is fully optimized, secure, and user-friendly, we've compiled an extensive checklist covering performance, SEO, security, design, and accessibility.


1. Web Page Size Should Be Under 1MB

1. What? (Details) The total size of your web page includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, image files, and other resources. Keeping this under 1MB ensures quicker download times and a better user experience. Reducing page size helps improve loading speeds, which is crucial for both user retention and search engine rankings.

2. Why? (Need) Large web pages take longer to load, which can frustrate users and lead to higher bounce rates. Search engines like Google also consider page speed as a ranking factor, so smaller pages can improve your SEO. Moreover, users on mobile networks or with limited bandwidth will appreciate faster-loading pages.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Compress images using tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim.
  • Use modern image formats like WebP to reduce file sizes further.
  • Minify your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files using tools like UglifyJS for JavaScript, CSSNano for CSS, and HTMLMinifier for HTML.
  • Remove unnecessary resources and optimize your code.
  • Use Google PageSpeed Insights to check the size of your web pages and get suggestions for improvement.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) This should be checked during the development phase and again before the final launch. Regular audits should also be conducted post-launch to ensure page size remains optimized as content changes.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) The responsibility typically falls on the front-end developers and performance optimization specialists. It can also involve the QA team for regular checks and audits.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using TinyPNG, you can reduce the size of your PNG images significantly. For instance, a 500KB PNG image can be compressed to about 100KB without any noticeable loss in quality. Similarly, converting JPEG images to the WebP format can cut their size by more than half. Tools like ImageOptim can automate this process for all images on your website, ensuring they are optimized before upload.

9. Impact

Positive: Smaller page sizes lead to faster load times, improved user experience, lower bounce rates, and higher search engine rankings. Users with limited bandwidth will have a better experience, and the overall site performance will improve, leading to higher user satisfaction and potential increases in conversions.

Negative: If not implemented, large page sizes can result in slow loading times, frustrated users, higher bounce rates, and lower search engine rankings. Users on slower connections may abandon the site, leading to lost revenue and negative brand perception.

2. Minify Your Web Page

1. What? (Details) Minifying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files reduces their size without affecting functionality, which can significantly improve page load times. Minification removes unnecessary characters, such as whitespace, comments, and newline characters, which are not required for the code to execute.

2. Why? (Need) Minified files load faster because they contain fewer bytes of data. This leads to quicker page rendering and a better user experience. Faster loading times can also positively impact SEO rankings and reduce bandwidth costs.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Use tools like UglifyJS for JavaScript, CSSNano for CSS, and HTMLMinifier for HTML.
  • Verify the functionality of the website after minification to ensure nothing is broken.
  • Integrate minification into your build process using automated tools like Gulp or Webpack.
  • Measure the impact on page size and load times using Google PageSpeed Insights.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Minification should be done during the build process, typically handled by automated build tools like Gulp or Webpack. It should be part of the continuous integration pipeline and checked before deployment.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Front-end developers and build engineers are responsible for setting up and maintaining minification in the build process. QA teams should verify that minified files do not break any functionality.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using UglifyJS, you can minify your JavaScript files. For example, a 100KB JavaScript file can be reduced to about 60KB, resulting in faster downloads and execution. Similarly, CSSNano can reduce the size of your CSS files by eliminating unnecessary spaces and comments. HTMLMinifier can compress your HTML files, ensuring they load faster without affecting the rendering of your web pages.

9. Impact Positive: Minified files load faster, improving page speed and user experience. This leads to better SEO rankings, reduced bandwidth costs, and a smoother browsing experience. Faster load times can also increase user engagement and conversion rates.

Negative: Without minification, pages may load slower, negatively impacting user experience and SEO. Larger files consume more bandwidth, which can increase hosting costs. Users may experience delays in page rendering, leading to frustration and potential abandonment.

3. Compress Your WebPage Resources

1. What? (Details) Server-side compression reduces the size of text-based resources such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, JSON, and SVG files, improving transfer times and reducing bandwidth usage. Enabling compression ensures that these resources are delivered faster to the user's browser.

2. Why? (Need) Compression significantly reduces the size of data sent from the server to the client, which speeds up load times and improves user experience. It also reduces bandwidth usage, which can save costs, especially for high-traffic sites.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Enable compression on your web server using tools like Gzip and Brotli.
  • Verify that compression is working using tools like Google's Compression Audit.
  • Ensure that all text-based resources are compressed by checking the HTTP headers.
  • Measure the impact on page size and load times using Google PageSpeed Insights.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Compression should be enabled during the server setup stage and verified before launch. Regular checks should be conducted post-launch to ensure continued effectiveness, especially after significant changes or updates.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) System administrators and DevOps engineers are responsible for enabling and maintaining compression on the server. Front-end developers may also be involved in ensuring resources are optimized for compression.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example By enabling Gzip compression on your server, you can reduce the size of your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files by up to 70%. For instance, a 200KB HTML file can be compressed to around 50KB, resulting in faster page loads. Brotli, which is supported by most modern browsers, can achieve even higher compression rates, making it an excellent choice for resource-heavy websites.

9. Impact Positive: Compressed resources load faster, improving user experience and reducing server load. This results in quicker page rendering, lower bandwidth costs, and higher user satisfaction. Faster load times can lead to increased engagement and better SEO performance.

Negative: If compression is not enabled, larger files will take longer to load, leading to slower page speeds and potentially higher bounce rates. This can negatively impact user experience, increase bandwidth costs, and harm search engine rankings.

1. What? (Details) Cookies are used to store small pieces of data in the user's browser. Each cookie should be under 4096 bytes, and your domain should have no more than 20 cookies to comply with standards and avoid performance issues. Large cookies can slow down your site and consume unnecessary bandwidth.

2. Why? (Need) Exceeding cookie size limits can degrade performance, increase load times, and lead to higher bandwidth usage. Adhering to these limits ensures faster page loads and a better user experience. Additionally, keeping cookies within limits helps maintain compatibility with all browsers and devices.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Ensure each cookie is less than 4096 bytes.
  • Limit the number of cookies per domain to 20.
  • Use tools like Cookiebot and OneTrust to monitor and manage cookies efficiently.
  • Measure the impact of cookie size on page load times using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) This should be checked during the development and testing phases, particularly when implementing features that use cookies. Regular audits post-launch are also necessary to ensure compliance as new cookies are added.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Front-end developers and security teams are responsible for managing cookies during development. QA teams should regularly audit cookie usage and ensure compliance with size limits.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Cookiebot, you can manage and optimize the cookies used on your website. For instance, if your site uses cookies for tracking user preferences, ensure they are as small as possible and only store essential information. Regularly audit and clean up unnecessary cookies to stay within the recommended limits and avoid performance degradation.

9. Impact Positive: Keeping cookies within size limits ensures faster page loads, better user experience, and reduced bandwidth usage. It also maintains compatibility with all browsers and devices, leading to smoother functionality and higher user satisfaction.

Negative: Exceeding cookie size limits can slow down page loads, frustrate users, and increase bandwidth costs. Large cookies may also cause compatibility issues with some browsers, leading to potential functionality problems and negative user experiences.

5. Minimize Third-Party Domains and Components

1. What? (Details) Third-party components, such as iframes and scripts, can slow down your site by adding extra DNS look-ups and resource loads. Minimizing their use can significantly improve page load times and overall performance.

2. Why? (Need) Third-party resources can introduce latency, increase page load times, and pose security risks. By minimizing their use, you can enhance performance, reduce vulnerabilities, and maintain greater control over your site’s content and functionality.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Limit the use of third-party scripts and iframes.
  • Evaluate the performance impact of each third-party component using tools like WebPageTest and GTmetrix.
  • Replace slow third-party services with faster alternatives.
  • Measure the impact on page speed and load times using Google PageSpeed Insights.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) This should be checked during the development and testing phases, especially when integrating third-party services. Regular performance audits post-launch are also necessary to ensure third-party components do not degrade site performance.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Front-end developers and performance optimization specialists are responsible for evaluating and managing third-party components. QA teams should also test the impact of these components during the testing phase.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using WebPageTest, you can analyze the impact of third-party components on your site's performance. For instance, if you find that a social media plugin significantly slows down your site, consider replacing it with a more efficient alternative or integrating the service directly into your website. Similarly, use GTmetrix to monitor and optimize the performance impact of third-party components.

9. Impact Positive: Minimizing third-party components improves page speed, reduces security risks, and enhances user experience. Faster load times can lead to higher user engagement, better SEO rankings, and increased conversions. Reduced reliance on third-party services also gives you greater control over your site's functionality and content.

Negative: Overuse of third-party components can slow down page loads, increase security vulnerabilities, and degrade user experience. Users may experience delays and frustration, leading to higher bounce rates and potential loss of revenue. It can also make your site more susceptible to issues if the third-party services experience downtime or changes.


1. Set Proper Page Titles

1. What? (Details) Each page should have a unique, descriptive title that includes relevant keywords to improve search engine ranking. Page titles are crucial for both search engines and users as they provide a quick summary of the page content.

2. Why? (Need) Page titles are a primary factor in search engine algorithms for determining the relevancy of a webpage. Properly set titles help improve your website's visibility in search engine results, attract more clicks, and increase traffic. Unique and relevant titles also enhance user experience by clearly indicating the content of each page.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Ensure each page has a unique, descriptive title.
  • Include relevant keywords in the page titles without keyword stuffing.
  • Use tools like Yoast SEO or Moz to analyze and optimize page titles.
  • Measure the impact on search engine rankings and click-through rates using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Setting proper page titles should be done during the content creation phase and reviewed before publishing each page. Regular audits post-launch are necessary to ensure titles remain optimized as content evolves.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Content creators, SEO specialists, and digital marketing teams are responsible for setting and optimizing page titles. QA teams can verify that titles are correctly implemented.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Yoast SEO, you can optimize your page titles by including relevant keywords and ensuring they are unique across your site. For instance, a blog post about "Web Development Tips" could have the title "Top 10 Web Development Tips for Beginners - YourWebsite.com". This title is descriptive, includes relevant keywords, and is unique. Use Moz to analyze the effectiveness of your page titles and make necessary adjustments to improve SEO.

9. Impact Positive: Properly optimized page titles improve search engine visibility, leading to higher click-through rates and increased organic traffic. Clear and descriptive titles enhance user experience and make your content more accessible to users searching for relevant information.

Negative: If page titles are not optimized, your website may struggle to rank well in search engine results, leading to lower visibility and reduced traffic. Poorly written titles can also confuse users, resulting in lower click-through rates and engagement.

2. Set Proper Meta Descriptions

1. What? (Details) Every page should have a meta description that accurately summarizes its content. Meta descriptions help improve search engine visibility and click-through rates by providing a concise summary of the page content in search results.

2. Why? (Need) Meta descriptions play a vital role in attracting users from search engine results pages (SERPs). A well-crafted meta description can increase click-through rates by providing a compelling summary that encourages users to visit your site. Although meta descriptions are not a direct ranking factor, they indirectly influence SEO by driving more traffic and engagement.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Ensure each page has a unique meta description.
  • Include relevant keywords naturally within the meta descriptions.
  • Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to create and analyze meta descriptions.
  • Measure the impact on search engine visibility and click-through rates using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Meta descriptions should be written during the content creation phase and reviewed before publishing each page. Regular audits post-launch are necessary to ensure meta descriptions remain optimized as content evolves.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Content creators, SEO specialists, and digital marketing teams are responsible for setting and optimizing meta descriptions. QA teams can verify that meta descriptions are correctly implemented.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using SEMrush, you can create compelling meta descriptions that summarize your page content and include relevant keywords. For example, a meta description for a page about "Healthy Recipes" could be "Discover easy and healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Find nutritious meal ideas and cooking tips to help you stay fit and healthy." This meta description is concise, includes relevant keywords, and accurately summarizes the page content. Use Ahrefs to analyze the effectiveness of your meta descriptions and make improvements to enhance SEO.

9. Impact Positive: Well-crafted meta descriptions improve click-through rates from SERPs, leading to increased traffic and user engagement. Clear and relevant meta descriptions help users understand what to expect from the page, improving the overall user experience.

Negative: Without optimized meta descriptions, your website may miss opportunities to attract users from search results, leading to lower click-through rates and reduced traffic. Poorly written or missing meta descriptions can also confuse users, potentially decreasing engagement and increasing bounce rates.

3. Set Proper Page Headings

1. What? (Details) Ensure each page uses headings (H1 to H6) appropriately, with only one H1 per page to denote the main topic. Proper use of headings improves readability and helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your content.

2. Why? (Need) Headings are important for both users and search engines. They provide a clear structure to the content, making it easier to read and navigate. Search engines use headings to understand the main topics and subtopics of a page, which helps in indexing and ranking the content accurately.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Use headings (H1 to H6) appropriately to structure your content.
  • Ensure each page has only one H1 tag to indicate the main topic.
  • Use tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider to audit and optimize your heading structure.
  • Measure the impact on readability and SEO using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Proper heading structure should be implemented during the content creation phase and reviewed before publishing each page. Regular audits post-launch are necessary to ensure headings remain optimized as content evolves.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Content creators, SEO specialists, and digital marketing teams are responsible for setting and optimizing page headings. QA teams can verify that headings are correctly implemented.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Screaming Frog SEO Spider, you can audit your website's heading structure to ensure proper use of H1 to H6 tags. For instance, a blog post about "Web Design Trends" should have the main heading as an H1 tag (e.g., <h1>Top Web Design Trends for 2024</h1>) and subsequent sections as H2, H3, etc. This hierarchy helps search engines understand the content's structure and improves readability for users. Use Google Search Console to monitor and improve your heading structure for better SEO performance.

9. Impact Positive: Properly structured headings enhance readability, improve user experience, and help search engines understand and index your content better. This can lead to higher search rankings, increased organic traffic, and improved engagement.

Negative: Poor heading structure can confuse users and search engines, leading to lower search rankings and reduced traffic. It can also make your content harder to read and navigate, negatively impacting user experience and increasing bounce rates.

4. Ensure Robot.txt is Present and Updated

1. What? (Details) Include a robots.txt file in the root folder of your domain to guide web crawlers and specify sitemap locations. This file helps search engines understand which parts of your site to crawl and index.

2. Why? (Need) A robots.txt file is crucial for controlling how search engines interact with your site. It helps prevent overloading your server with crawl requests and protects sensitive areas of your site from being indexed. Properly configured, it can improve your site's crawl efficiency and ensure that important content is indexed.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Ensure a robots.txt file is present in the root folder of your domain.
  • Update the robots.txt file to include or exclude specific parts of your site.
  • Use tools like Google Search Console to monitor and validate your robots.txt file.
  • Measure the impact on crawl efficiency and indexing using Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) The robots.txt file should be created and configured during the initial site setup and reviewed before launch. Regular audits post-launch are necessary to ensure it remains updated as the site structure evolves.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) SEO specialists and webmasters are responsible for creating and maintaining the robots.txt file. QA teams should verify its correctness and functionality.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Google Search Console, you can monitor and update your robots.txt file to guide web crawlers. For instance, if you want to exclude certain pages from being indexed, you can add the following lines to your robots.txt file:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /private/
Disallow: /tmp/
Sitemap: https://www.yourwebsite.com/sitemap.xml

This ensures that web crawlers do not index the /private/ and /tmp/ directories while pointing them to your sitemap for easier indexing of your site's content. Use the Robots.txt Generator to create and validate your robots.txt file for proper functionality.

9. Impact Positive: A well-configured robots.txt file ensures efficient crawling and indexing of your site, improving search engine performance and visibility. It also helps protect sensitive areas of your site from being indexed, enhancing security.

Negative: Without a properly configured robots.txt file, search engines may struggle to crawl and index your site effectively, leading to lower search rankings and visibility. Overloading the server with crawl requests can also degrade performance and impact user experience.

5. Setup and Maintain a Sitemap

1. What? (Details) Provide an HTML sitemap accessible via the website's footer and an XML sitemap submitted to search engines. Sitemaps help search engines index your site more effectively by providing a structured list of all your site's pages.

2. Why? (Need) Sitemaps enhance the discoverability of your content by search engines, ensuring that all important pages are indexed. They help search engines understand the structure of your site and find new or updated content quickly. This can improve your site's visibility in search results and overall SEO performance.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Create an HTML sitemap and make it accessible via the website's footer.
  • Generate an XML sitemap and submit it to search engines using Google Search Console.
  • Use tools like XML Sitemaps or Google XML Sitemaps to automate the process.
  • Measure the impact on indexing and search visibility using Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Sitemaps should be created and submitted during the initial site setup and reviewed before launch. Regular updates post-launch are necessary to ensure they remain accurate as content changes.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) SEO specialists and webmasters are responsible for creating and maintaining sitemaps. Content creators should ensure new pages are included in the sitemaps.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using XML Sitemaps, you can generate a sitemap that helps search engines index your website. For example, an XML sitemap might include:


This entry informs search engines about the homepage's URL, the last modification date, the change frequency, and the priority of indexing. Use the Google XML Sitemaps plugin to automate the creation and updating of your sitemaps, ensuring search engines always have the latest information about your site's structure.

9. Impact Positive: Sitemaps improve the discoverability and indexing of your content by search engines, leading to better visibility and higher search rankings. They ensure that all important pages are indexed, which can drive more organic traffic to your site.

Negative: Without sitemaps, search engines may miss important pages or take longer to index new content, leading to lower visibility and reduced search rankings. Incomplete or outdated sitemaps can also negatively impact SEO performance and user experience.


1. Always Use HTTPS

1. What? (Details) HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website you are connected to. It ensures that all data exchanged is encrypted, protecting it from eavesdroppers and man-in-the-middle attacks.

2. Why? (Need) Using HTTPS is crucial for securing data exchanged between the user and your website, especially sensitive information like login credentials and payment details. HTTPS not only protects user privacy but also improves SEO rankings, as Google favors HTTPS sites. Moreover, browsers like Chrome display a "Not Secure" warning for non-HTTPS sites, which can deter users.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Obtain an SSL/TLS certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA) such as Let's Encrypt or DigiCert.
  • Install the SSL/TLS certificate on your web server.
  • Configure your server to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS.
  • Use tools like Qualys SSL Labs to test and verify the HTTPS implementation.
  • Measure the impact on security and SEO using Google Search Console and security audit tools.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) HTTPS should be implemented during the initial site setup and verified before launch. Regular checks should be conducted post-launch to ensure the certificate is up-to-date and correctly configured.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) System administrators and DevOps engineers are responsible for obtaining, installing, and maintaining SSL/TLS certificates. Security specialists and QA teams should verify the implementation and monitor for any issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Let's Encrypt, you can obtain a free SSL/TLS certificate for your website. Follow the setup instructions to install the certificate and configure your server to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS. For example, in Apache, you can add the following to your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

his ensures all traffic is encrypted, enhancing security and boosting SEO. Use tools like Qualys SSL Labs to verify that your site is fully secured with HTTPS.

9. Impact Positive: Implementing HTTPS improves data security, builds user trust, enhances SEO rankings, and prevents browsers from displaying "Not Secure" warnings. It protects sensitive information, which can lead to increased user confidence and conversions.

Negative: Without HTTPS, user data is vulnerable to interception and tampering, leading to potential data breaches and loss of trust. Search engines may rank your site lower, and users may be deterred by security warnings, leading to reduced traffic and revenue.

2. Check HSTS is Enabled

1. What? (Details) HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a web security policy mechanism that helps to protect websites against man-in-the-middle attacks by forcing browsers to use HTTPS connections only. When HSTS is enabled, browsers automatically switch to HTTPS and refuse to communicate over HTTP.

2. Why? (Need) Enabling HSTS ensures that users always connect to your site securely via HTTPS, even if they attempt to use an HTTP URL. This prevents downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking, enhancing overall site security and protecting user data.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Add the HSTS header to your server configuration with a long max-age directive.
  • Verify the implementation using tools like SecurityHeaders.io.
  • Submit your site to the HSTS Preload List to ensure it is recognized by all major browsers.
  • Measure the impact on security using security audit tools and Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) HSTS should be enabled during the initial server configuration and verified before launch. Regular checks should be conducted post-launch to ensure the HSTS policy is correctly implemented and maintained.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) System administrators and DevOps engineers are responsible for configuring and maintaining HSTS. Security specialists and QA teams should verify the implementation and monitor for any issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example To enable HSTS, add the following header to your server configuration:

Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload

This ensures that browsers will only use HTTPS to connect to your site. Use SecurityHeaders.io to test and confirm the implementation. Once verified, submit your site to the HSTS preload list to ensure it is recognized and enforced by all major browsers. This adds an extra layer of security by preventing users from accidentally accessing your site over an insecure connection.

9. Impact Positive: Enabling HSTS ensures that all communications between the user and your site are secure, preventing man-in-the-middle attacks and data breaches. It builds user trust and enhances overall site security, leading to increased user confidence and engagement.

Negative: Without HSTS, users might unknowingly access your site over HTTP, exposing them to potential attacks and data breaches. This can result in loss of trust, reduced traffic, and potential legal consequences.

3. Check Updated TLS in Use

1. What? (Details) Ensure your website uses the latest TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol to protect against vulnerabilities in older versions. TLS 1.3 is the most recent version and offers enhanced security and performance over previous versions.

2. Why? (Need) Using the latest TLS version ensures the highest level of security for data transmitted between the server and the client. Older versions of TLS have known vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. TLS 1.3 offers improved performance and security features, making it the best choice for protecting sensitive information.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Ensure your server supports and uses TLS 1.3.
  • Configure your server to prioritize TLS 1.3 connections.
  • Use tools like Qualys SSL Labs to test your server's SSL/TLS configuration.
  • Measure the impact on security and performance using security audit tools and Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) TLS configuration should be set during the initial server setup and verified before launch. Regular checks should be conducted post-launch to ensure continued compliance with the latest security standards.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) System administrators and DevOps engineers are responsible for configuring and maintaining TLS settings. Security specialists and QA teams should verify the implementation and monitor for any issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Use Qualys SSL Labs to test your server's SSL/TLS configuration. The tool will provide a detailed report on your current setup and recommendations for improvements. For instance, if your server supports only TLS 1.2, follow the steps to upgrade to TLS 1.3:

  • Update your server software to the latest version that supports TLS 1.3.
  • Configure your server to prioritize TLS 1.3 connections.
  • Use the Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator to ensure your configuration follows best practices.

This upgrade enhances security by protecting against vulnerabilities in older TLS versions and improving performance with faster handshake processes.

9. Impact Positive: Using the latest TLS version ensures maximum security for data transmission, protecting against known vulnerabilities. It enhances user trust, improves performance, and complies with security standards, leading to better overall site security and user experience.

Negative: Without updating to the latest TLS version, your site remains vulnerable to attacks that exploit older TLS versions. This can result in data breaches, loss of trust, and potential legal consequences.

4. Check X-Frame-Options (XFO) Header is Enabled

1. What? (Details) Enable the X-Frame-Options header to protect your site from clickjacking attacks. This header prevents your site from being framed by other sites, which can be used maliciously to trick users into clicking on something different from what they perceive.

2. Why? (Need) Clickjacking attacks occur when a malicious site embeds your site in a frame and tricks users into performing actions they did not intend. Enabling the X-Frame-Options header ensures that your site cannot be embedded in a frame, protecting users from such attacks and preserving the integrity of your site's actions.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Add the X-Frame-Options header to your server configuration.
  • Set the header to DENY or SAMEORIGIN based on your needs.
  • Verify the implementation using tools like SecurityHeaders.io.
  • Measure the impact on security using security audit tools and Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) The X-Frame-Options header should be configured during the initial server setup and verified before launch. Regular checks should be conducted post-launch to ensure continued protection against clickjacking.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) System administrators and DevOps engineers are responsible for configuring and maintaining the X-Frame-Options header. Security specialists and QA teams should verify the implementation and monitor for any issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example To enable the X-Frame-Options header, add the following to your server configuration:

X-Frame-Options: DENY


X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

This prevents other sites from embedding your content in an iframe. Use SecurityHeaders.io to test and verify the implementation. If your site needs to be embedded in iframes on specific pages (e.g., for widgets), set the header to SAMEORIGIN to allow only your own site to frame it, thus protecting against clickjacking while maintaining necessary functionality.

9. Impact Positive: Enabling the X-Frame-Options header protects your site from clickjacking attacks, ensuring user actions are genuine and secure. This enhances user trust and preserves the integrity of your site's interactions, leading to a safer browsing experience.

Negative: Without the X-Frame-Options header, your site is vulnerable to clickjacking attacks, which can deceive users into performing unintended actions. This can lead to compromised user accounts, unauthorized transactions, and loss of trust.

5. Check Content Security Policy is Enabled

1. What? (Details) Implement a Content Security Policy (CSP) to control how resources are loaded and protect against various types of attacks, such as XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) and data injection attacks. CSP allows you to specify which sources are trusted and can be used on your site.

2. Why? (Need) A Content Security Policy helps prevent malicious code from being executed on your site by restricting the sources from which resources can be loaded. This significantly reduces the risk of XSS attacks, data injection, and other forms of code-based vulnerabilities, enhancing the overall security of your site.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Define and implement a CSP for your website using the Content-Security-Policy header.
  • Use tools like CSP Evaluator to test and optimize your policy.
  • Monitor CSP violations using Report URI.
  • Measure the impact on security using security audit tools and Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) CSP should be implemented during the initial site setup and reviewed before launch. Regular monitoring and updates post-launch are necessary to adapt to changes and new threats.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) System administrators, security specialists, and front-end developers are responsible for defining and implementing the CSP. QA teams should verify the implementation and monitor for any issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example To implement a CSP, add a Content-Security-Policy header to your server configuration. For example:

Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; img-src https://images.example.com; script-src 'self' https://scripts.example.com

This policy allows images only from https://images.example.com and scripts only from https://scripts.example.com and the same origin. Use the CSP Evaluator to test the policy for weaknesses and Report URI to monitor and log CSP violations. Adjust the policy as needed to cover all necessary resources while minimizing security risks.

9. Impact Positive: A well-implemented CSP significantly reduces the risk of XSS attacks and other code-based vulnerabilities, protecting user data and enhancing site security. It builds user trust and provides a safer browsing experience, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

Negative: Without a CSP, your site is more vulnerable to XSS attacks and other forms of data injection, which can compromise user data and site integrity. This can result in data breaches, loss of trust, and potential legal consequences.


1. Check for Responsive Web Design

1. What? (Details) Responsive web design ensures that your website looks and functions well on a variety of devices and screen sizes, from desktop monitors to smartphones. This involves using flexible layouts, images, and CSS media queries to adapt the site’s layout and content to different screen sizes and orientations.

2. Why? (Need) With the increasing use of mobile devices, it’s crucial that your website provides a seamless experience across all devices. Responsive design improves user experience, reduces bounce rates, and can positively impact your search engine rankings, as Google uses mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Use responsive design frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation.
  • Implement CSS media queries to adjust the layout based on screen size.
  • Test your site on various devices and screen sizes using tools like BrowserStack and Responsinator.
  • Measure the impact on user experience and SEO using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Responsive design should be implemented during the initial design and development phases. Testing should be conducted throughout the development process and before launch. Regular checks post-launch are necessary to ensure continued compatibility with new devices and browsers.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Front-end developers, UI/UX designers, and QA teams are responsible for implementing and testing responsive design. The digital marketing team may also monitor performance and user engagement metrics.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Bootstrap, you can create a responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes. For instance, a three-column layout on a desktop can collapse into a single column on a smartphone. Tools like BrowserStack allow you to test how your site looks and functions on a wide range of devices, ensuring a consistent user experience.

9. Impact Positive: Responsive design enhances user experience across all devices, reducing bounce rates and increasing engagement. It improves SEO rankings, as Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites, leading to higher organic traffic and better user retention.

Negative: Without responsive design, users on mobile devices may have a poor experience, leading to higher bounce rates and lower engagement. This can negatively impact SEO rankings and result in lost traffic and revenue.

2. Check on Different Browsers

1. What? (Details) Testing your website on all major desktop and mobile browsers ensures compatibility and consistent performance. Different browsers can render HTML, CSS, and JavaScript differently, so comprehensive testing is essential.

2. Why? (Need) Ensuring browser compatibility is crucial for providing a consistent user experience. Users access websites using various browsers, and inconsistencies can lead to poor user experience, higher bounce rates, and lost revenue. It also ensures that your site functions correctly and looks as intended for all users.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Test your site on major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and their latest versions.
  • Use cross-browser testing tools like CrossBrowserTesting and BrowserStack.
  • Fix any inconsistencies or issues found during testing.
  • Measure the impact on user experience and functionality using Google Analytics.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Browser compatibility should be tested throughout the development process and before the final launch. Regular checks post-launch are necessary to ensure continued compatibility as browsers update.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Front-end developers and QA teams are responsible for testing and ensuring browser compatibility. The digital marketing team may monitor performance and user engagement metrics.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using CrossBrowserTesting, you can test your website on multiple browsers and devices to identify any inconsistencies. For instance, you may find that a particular CSS property renders differently in Safari compared to Chrome. Fixing these issues ensures a consistent experience for all users, regardless of their browser choice.

9. Impact Positive: Ensuring browser compatibility improves user experience, reduces bounce rates, and increases engagement. It ensures your site functions correctly and looks as intended across all browsers, leading to higher user satisfaction and conversions.

Negative: Without cross-browser testing, users may encounter issues that lead to a poor experience, higher bounce rates, and lost revenue. Inconsistent functionality and appearance can damage your brand’s reputation and negatively impact SEO rankings.

3. Check for Webfont Format

1. What? (Details) Using web fonts in formats like WOFF, WOFF2, and TTF ensures that your site’s typography is consistent across all browsers and devices. These formats are optimized for web use and provide better performance and compatibility.

2. Why? (Need) Web fonts enhance the visual appeal of your site and ensure consistent typography across different browsers and devices. Using the correct formats improves performance, reduces loading times, and ensures compatibility, providing a better user experience.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Use web fonts in WOFF, WOFF2, and TTF formats.
  • Ensure web fonts do not exceed 2MB in size.
  • Test web font loading and performance using tools like Google Fonts and Font Squirrel.
  • Measure the impact on loading times and user experience using Google Analytics.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Web fonts should be implemented and tested during the design and development phases. Regular checks post-launch are necessary to ensure performance and compatibility as browsers and devices update.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Front-end developers and UI/UX designers are responsible for selecting and implementing web fonts. QA teams should verify their performance and compatibility.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Google Fonts, you can select web fonts that are optimized for performance and compatibility. For example, choosing a popular font like Roboto in WOFF2 format ensures fast loading times and consistent appearance across all browsers. Tools like Font Squirrel can help you generate the necessary font formats and test their performance.

9. Impact Positive: Using optimized web fonts improves site performance, reduces loading times, and ensures consistent typography across all browsers. This enhances user experience and engagement, leading to higher satisfaction and potential conversions.

Negative: Without using optimized web fonts, your site may experience longer loading times and inconsistent typography, leading to a poor user experience. This can increase bounce rates and negatively impact your site’s performance and user satisfaction.

4. Check for Favicons Setup

1. What? (Details) A favicon is a small icon that appears in the browser tab, bookmarks, and other locations to represent your website. Properly setting up favicons in various sizes and formats ensures they display correctly across different devices and browsers.

2. Why? (Need) Favicons enhance your site’s branding and provide a visual identifier for users. They improve the user experience by making your site easily recognizable in browser tabs and bookmarks. Properly configured favicons also contribute to a polished and professional appearance.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Create favicons in various sizes (16x16, 32x32, 48x48, etc.) and formats (ICO, PNG).
  • Use tools like RealFaviconGenerator to generate and test favicons.
  • Ensure favicons are correctly linked in your HTML using the <link> tag.
  • Measure the impact on user experience using Google Analytics and browser testing tools.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Favicons should be created and implemented during the design phase and tested before launch. Regular checks post-launch are necessary to ensure they display correctly as browsers and devices update.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Front-end developers and UI/UX designers are responsible for creating and implementing favicons. QA teams should verify their correct display across different browsers and devices.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using RealFaviconGenerator, you can create favicons in multiple sizes and formats to ensure compatibility across all devices and browsers. For instance, generating a favicon.ico for older browsers and a PNG for modern browsers ensures consistent branding. Properly linking these favicons in your HTML ensures they display correctly.

9. Impact Positive: Properly configured favicons enhance branding, improve user experience, and make your site easily recognizable. This can increase user engagement and satisfaction, leading to higher retention and potential conversions.

Negative: Without properly configured favicons, your site may lack a visual identifier, leading to a less professional appearance and reduced brand recognition. This can negatively impact user experience and engagement.

5. Check for Color Contrast

1. What? (Details) Color contrast refers to the difference in light between font (or foreground) color and its background color. Ensuring proper color contrast enhances readability and accessibility for all users, including those with visual impairments.

2. Why? (Need) Adequate color contrast is crucial for accessibility, ensuring that text is readable for users with visual impairments or color blindness. It is also a requirement for compliance with accessibility standards like WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Proper color contrast improves user experience and ensures your site is accessible to a broader audience.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Use tools like Contrast Checker and Color Safe to test color contrast ratios.
  • Ensure your site meets at least WCAG AA standards (contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for normal text).
  • Test your site using accessibility evaluation tools like WAVE and Axe.
  • Measure the impact on accessibility and user experience using Google Analytics and user feedback.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Color contrast should be tested during the design phase and reviewed before launch. Regular checks post-launch are necessary to ensure continued compliance with accessibility standards as your site evolves.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) UI/UX designers and front-end developers are responsible for ensuring proper color contrast. Accessibility specialists and QA teams should verify compliance and monitor for any issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Contrast Checker, you can test and adjust the color contrast of your site’s text and background. For example, ensuring that your body text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 against its background color improves readability. Tools like WAVE can help you identify areas that need improvement and ensure compliance with accessibility standards.

9. Impact Positive: Proper color contrast improves readability and accessibility, enhancing user experience for all users, including those with visual impairments. It ensures compliance with accessibility standards, broadening your audience and potentially increasing user engagement and satisfaction.

Negative: Without proper color contrast, your site may be difficult to read for users with visual impairments, leading to a poor user experience and potential accessibility violations. This can result in higher bounce rates, reduced engagement, and potential legal consequences.


1. Check for Proper Headings

1. What? (Details) Proper use of headings (H1 to H6) structures the content on your web pages, making it easier for users to read and for search engines to understand. Each page should have only one H1 tag to denote the main topic, with H2 to H6 used for subheadings.

2. Why? (Need) Headings improve readability and accessibility by providing a clear structure for the content. They help screen readers navigate the page and allow search engines to understand the hierarchy and main topics of your content. Proper headings enhance user experience and SEO.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Ensure each page has only one H1 tag, with subsequent headings structured logically (H2 for main sections, H3 for subsections, etc.).
  • Use tools like WAVE and Axe to audit your heading structure.
  • Check the HTML code to verify the correct use of heading tags.
  • Measure the impact on accessibility and SEO using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Headings should be structured correctly during the content creation and development phases. Regular audits post-launch are necessary to ensure continued compliance as content is added or updated.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Content creators, front-end developers, and SEO specialists are responsible for setting and maintaining proper headings. QA and accessibility teams should verify the heading structure and monitor for issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using WAVE, you can audit your website's heading structure to ensure proper use of H1 to H6 tags. For instance, a blog post about "Web Development Trends" should have the main heading as an H1 tag (e.g., <h1>Top Web Development Trends for 2024</h1>) and subsequent sections as H2, H3, etc. This hierarchy helps search engines understand the content's structure and improves readability for users. Use Google Search Console to monitor and improve your heading structure for better SEO performance.

9. Impact Positive: Properly structured headings enhance readability, improve user experience, and help search engines understand and index your content better. This can lead to higher search rankings, increased organic traffic, and improved engagement.

Negative: Poor heading structure can confuse users and search engines, leading to lower search rankings and reduced traffic. It can also make your content harder to read and navigate, negatively impacting user experience and increasing bounce rates.

2. Check for Form Labels

1. What? (Details) Form labels provide essential information about form fields to users, including those using screen readers. Every input element should have an associated label to describe its purpose.

2. Why? (Need) Proper form labels are crucial for accessibility, ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, can understand and interact with your forms. Labels improve usability and ensure compliance with accessibility standards like WCAG.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Ensure each input element has an associated <label> element or an aria-label attribute.
  • Use tools like Axe and WAVE to identify missing or incorrect labels.
  • Check the HTML code to verify the correct implementation of form labels.
  • Measure the impact on accessibility using Google Analytics and user feedback.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Form labels should be added during the design and development phases. Regular checks post-launch are necessary to ensure continued compliance as forms are added or updated.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Front-end developers and UI/UX designers are responsible for implementing form labels. Accessibility specialists and QA teams should verify their correctness and monitor for issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Axe, you can identify and fix missing or incorrect form labels. For instance, if a login form has an input field without a label, you can add a <label> element to improve accessibility:

<label for="username">Username:</label>
<input type="text" id="username" name="username">

This ensures that screen readers can correctly identify the input field, improving usability for all users.

9. Impact Positive: Proper form labels improve accessibility and usability, ensuring that all users can interact with your forms effectively. This enhances user experience, reduces frustration, and ensures compliance with accessibility standards, potentially increasing conversions.

Negative: Without proper form labels, users with disabilities may struggle to understand and interact with your forms, leading to a poor user experience and potential accessibility violations. This can result in lost conversions, increased bounce rates, and legal consequences.

3. Check for Image Setups

1. What? (Details) Providing images in 2x or 3x resolutions for retina displays, setting width and height attributes, and including descriptive alt text ensures that images are accessible and display correctly across different devices and screen resolutions.

2. Why? (Need) High-resolution images improve the visual quality of your site on devices with retina displays. Properly set width and height attributes help with layout stability, while descriptive alt text ensures accessibility for users with visual impairments and improves SEO.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Provide images in multiple resolutions (1x, 2x, 3x) using the srcset attribute.
  • Set width and height attributes to prevent layout shifts.
  • Include descriptive alt text for all images.
  • Use tools like ImageKit and Cloudinary to manage and optimize images.
  • Measure the impact on performance and accessibility using Google Analytics and accessibility audit tools.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Image setups should be implemented during the design and development phases. Regular checks post-launch are necessary to ensure continued performance and accessibility as images are added or updated.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Front-end developers and UI/UX designers are responsible for providing and optimizing images. Accessibility specialists and QA teams should verify the correctness and monitor for issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using ImageKit, you can optimize images for different resolutions and devices. For example, providing a high-resolution image for retina displays ensures visual quality:

<img src="image.jpg" srcset="image@2x.jpg 2x, image@3x.jpg 3x" alt="Descriptive alt text" width="600" height="400">

This setup ensures that the correct image resolution is loaded based on the device, improving performance and visual quality.

9. Impact Positive: Providing high-resolution images and proper alt text improves visual quality, accessibility, and SEO. It enhances user experience across all devices, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction.

Negative: Without optimized images, your site may suffer from poor visual quality, slower load times, and accessibility issues. This can lead to higher bounce rates, reduced engagement, and potential legal consequences.

4. Check for Color Contrast

1. What? (Details) Color contrast refers to the difference in light between font (or foreground) color and its background color. Ensuring proper color contrast enhances readability and accessibility for all users, including those with visual impairments.

2. Why? (Need) Adequate color contrast is crucial for accessibility, ensuring that text is readable for users with visual impairments or color blindness. It is also a requirement for compliance with accessibility standards like WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Proper color contrast improves user experience and ensures your site is accessible to a broader audience.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Use tools like Contrast Checker and Color Safe to test color contrast ratios.
  • Ensure your site meets at least WCAG AA standards (contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for normal text).
  • Test your site using accessibility evaluation tools like WAVE and Axe.
  • Measure the impact on accessibility and user experience using Google Analytics and user feedback.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Color contrast should be tested during the design phase and reviewed before launch. Regular checks post-launch are necessary to ensure continued compliance with accessibility standards as your site evolves.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) UI/UX designers and front-end developers are responsible for ensuring proper color contrast. Accessibility specialists and QA teams should verify compliance and monitor for any issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Contrast Checker, you can test and adjust the color contrast of your site’s text and background. For example, ensuring that your body text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 against its background color improves readability. Tools like WAVE can help you identify areas that need improvement and ensure compliance with accessibility standards.

9. Impact Positive: Proper color contrast improves readability and accessibility, enhancing user experience for all users, including those with visual impairments. It ensures compliance with accessibility standards, broadening your audience and potentially increasing user engagement and satisfaction.

Negative: Without proper color contrast, your site may be difficult to read for users with visual impairments, leading to a poor user experience and potential accessibility violations. This can result in higher bounce rates, reduced engagement, and potential legal consequences.

5. Check for Keyboard Navigation

1. What? (Details) Keyboard navigation ensures that all interactive elements on your website can be accessed and used with a keyboard. This is essential for users with motor disabilities who rely on keyboard-only navigation.

2. Why? (Need) Providing keyboard accessibility is crucial for inclusivity, allowing users with disabilities to navigate and interact with your website. Ensuring all elements are keyboard-accessible enhances usability and ensures compliance with accessibility standards like WCAG.

3. How? (How to Check Criteria and Measure)

  • Test your website’s navigation using only a keyboard, ensuring that all interactive elements (links, buttons, forms) can be accessed and used.
  • Use tools like Axe and WAVE to identify keyboard accessibility issues.
  • Check for proper use of focus states and keyboard shortcuts.
  • Measure the impact on accessibility using Google Analytics and user feedback.

4. Where? (Tools and Links)

5. When? (When to Check This? At What Stage?) Keyboard accessibility should be tested during the design and development phases. Regular checks post-launch are necessary to ensure continued compliance and usability.

6. Who? (Who is Responsible?) Front-end developers and UI/UX designers are responsible for ensuring keyboard accessibility. Accessibility specialists and QA teams should verify compliance and monitor for any issues.

7. Reference (Read More)

8. Example Using Axe, you can test and ensure that all interactive elements on your website are keyboard-accessible. For example, verifying that users can navigate through a form using the Tab key and submit it using the Enter key ensures keyboard accessibility. Tools like WAVE can help you identify and fix any issues.

9. Impact Positive: Ensuring keyboard accessibility enhances usability for users with disabilities, improving overall user experience and compliance with accessibility standards. This can lead to higher engagement, satisfaction, and potential conversions.

Negative: Without keyboard accessibility, users with disabilities may be unable to navigate and interact with your site, leading to a poor user experience and potential accessibility violations. This can result in higher bounce rates, reduced engagement, and legal consequences.

By following this comprehensive checklist, you can ensure your website is optimized for performance, SEO, security, design, and accessibility, providing a superior experience for all users. Happy launching!

About the author
Irfan Ahmad

Irfan Ahmad

Software Quality Leader | Helping software teams to deliver with speed, security and scale.

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