Zato API Test

With Zato API Test, you can test APIs in plain English, without any programming
Zato API Test


Zato is an open-source platform designed for microservices, APIs, and integrations, offers a unique API testing tool specifically tailored for complex environments. Zato API Test stands out due to its simple setup, ease of integration with continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and its ability to handle multi-step workflows efficiently. This review explores the features, pros, cons, pricing, usage examples, and user recommendations for Zato API Test.


Zato API Test offers a versatile set of features aimed at testing APIs in microservice architectures. It is known for its simplicity and flexibility, and its main features include:

1. Human-readable Tests

Zato API Test allows users to create and execute tests using plain English. This approach simplifies writing and maintaining tests, making it accessible even to non-technical users. Tests can be written in text editors such as Visual Studio Code or even automated through CI/CD pipelines. The human-readable syntax improves collaboration across development, QA, and business teams.

2. Multi-step API Workflows

Zato excels in handling multi-step workflows where various API calls need to be chained together. The tool allows users to define test cases that simulate real-world scenarios, such as authenticating a user, making a transaction, and checking a database response. Each test can involve multiple requests and responses, with proper validation along the way.

3. Assertions and Validations

Zato API Test supports built-in assertions to validate API responses. It allows for checking HTTP status codes, validating response payloads, headers, and even specific fields using JSON, XML, or other formats. This ensures that the responses conform to expectations, helping testers quickly identify discrepancies in the API behavior.

4. Data Reusability

Test data such as headers, parameters, and authentication tokens can be reused across multiple tests, reducing redundancy. This feature is particularly useful for APIs that require repetitive authentication tokens or standardized data in headers, enhancing efficiency.

5. CI/CD Integration

One of the standout features of Zato API Test is its smooth integration with continuous integration and deployment pipelines. It allows developers to automate tests, trigger them during builds, and ensure every code change is validated against the APIs. This enhances the overall testing cycle and ensures faster deployment of high-quality software.

6. Cross-environment Testing

Zato API Test supports testing in multiple environments—development, staging, and production—making it easy to compare API performance and behavior in different setups. This feature is essential for organizations looking to ensure consistency in the behavior of APIs across various environments.

7. Extensive Logging and Reporting

Each test run in Zato is accompanied by detailed logging and reporting. It captures every request, response, and assertion in great detail, allowing developers and testers to review and debug issues. Logs are easily accessible, enabling better error tracking and issue resolution.

8. Python Scripting Support

While the human-readable tests are simple to work with, advanced users can also write tests in Python. This allows them to leverage Python’s flexibility and ecosystem for more complex test scenarios.


Zato API Test has several advantages that make it suitable for complex environments, particularly in enterprise settings:

1. Ease of Use

The human-readable test format is one of the major selling points. It allows non-technical team members, such as business analysts or product owners, to understand and contribute to the test cases without needing to learn complex scripting languages.

2. Seamless Integration with CI/CD Pipelines

Zato API Test integrates smoothly with Jenkins, GitLab CI, Travis, and other CI/CD tools, enabling automated testing and ensuring that no code changes break existing functionality.

3. Multi-environment Support

The ability to test APIs across different environments (development, staging, and production) allows organizations to ensure consistent API behavior regardless of the environment.

4. Support for Complex Workflows

Zato API Test allows for chaining multiple API requests, making it perfect for testing workflows where one API response feeds into the next step. It’s an ideal fit for testing complex service-oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices-based applications.

5. Reusable Data

The ability to reuse test data across multiple scenarios reduces test creation time, minimizes redundancy, and improves test organization.

6. Scalability

Zato is highly scalable and can handle API tests even in large, complex distributed systems. Whether the API workload is small or large, Zato can manage it with ease.


Despite its strengths, Zato API Test has a few downsides that users should be aware of:

1. Limited Community Support

Compared to larger API testing tools like Postman or SoapUI, Zato has a smaller community. This can make it difficult to find community-driven resources such as plugins, forums, and third-party tutorials.

2. Less Visual Interface

Zato API Test is designed with simplicity in mind, but it lacks the visual test-building interface found in tools like Postman. Instead, users rely on writing tests directly in text editors, which can feel less intuitive for users who prefer a GUI-based approach.

3. Steep Learning Curve for Advanced Features

Although Zato is beginner-friendly with human-readable tests, leveraging its advanced features such as multi-step workflows, Python scripting, and complex assertions requires a deep understanding of the tool and its environment. This can lead to a steeper learning curve for new users who need more advanced functionality.

4. On-premises Focus

While Zato is an excellent solution for on-premises API testing, it lacks some of the cloud-native features found in competing tools that are designed for cloud-based environments.

Zato API Test is widely used across industries where complex, multi-step API workflows are essential. Here are some typical use cases:

1. Financial Services API Testing

Banks and financial institutions use Zato API Test to ensure the reliability of services such as payment processing, customer verification, and account management. For example, a bank could test a sequence where a user authenticates, transfers money, and receives confirmation from another system, with each step verified.

2. Healthcare API Testing

Healthcare platforms rely on APIs to exchange sensitive patient information. Zato can be used to test integrations between hospital management systems, insurance providers, and external healthcare databases while ensuring the security and compliance of the APIs.

3. E-commerce Workflows

In e-commerce, APIs are used to manage orders, payments, and inventory. Zato API Test can verify that all processes—from adding items to the cart to processing payments and issuing invoices—are executed correctly, across multiple environments.

To learn more about using Zato for API testing, check out the official documentation:


Zato is an open-source project, which means it is free to download and use. Organizations can take advantage of its robust feature set without paying for licenses or subscriptions. However, Zato offers enterprise-level features and support at a custom price based on the organization’s needs. Larger organizations may benefit from dedicated support, enhanced security, and additional enterprise-focused features by opting for the paid version.

For organizations that need more customization, support, and scalability, Zato also offers a range of premium features, available through the Enterprise version. Pricing for the enterprise version is typically negotiated based on the specific needs and size of the organization.

Zato API Test is ideal for various user groups, but it’s particularly well-suited to:

1. Enterprise Development Teams

Large teams working in complex environments will appreciate Zato’s ability to handle multi-step workflows, versioning, and cross-environment testing. The focus on microservices and distributed architectures makes it a valuable tool for enterprises.

2. DevOps Professionals

Zato API Test integrates seamlessly into DevOps environments. With support for CI/CD pipelines and automation, DevOps teams can ensure that API tests are executed consistently during each deployment cycle.

3. Organizations with Complex Workflows

For organizations that rely on service-oriented architecture (SOA) or microservices, Zato API Test excels at chaining multiple API requests and managing complex workflows. This makes it a good fit for sectors like finance, healthcare, and logistics.

4. Test Automation Engineers

Testers who need to automate API workflows and integrate them into broader testing strategies will find Zato’s simple syntax and Python-based flexibility useful for automating large-scale testing tasks.

In conclusion, Zato API Test is a highly capable and flexible tool designed for enterprise-grade API testing. Its human-readable syntax, integration with CI/CD pipelines, and support for multi-step workflows make it a valuable asset for organizations with complex API environments. While it has some limitations, particularly for users seeking a highly visual or community-supported tool, its strengths make it an excellent choice for large teams and enterprise environments.

About the author
Irfan Ahmad

Irfan Ahmad

Software Quality Leader | Helping software teams to deliver with speed, security and scale.

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